Happy end of the weekend to all! I personally spent this entire gorgeous April day inside my other job, the climbing gym. I was a belay slave to rounds of children. Sticky fingered, smelly, noisy, energetic children. Not that I can complain. As much as I say I don't like kids, I do enjoy seeing them (or anyone for that matter) succeed at something they previously though difficult or impossible to do. It is amazing what a little encouragment and positive attitude can do for a child. Perhaps that is something severely lacking in this country. Anywho, if you live in the NOVA area, and are looking for something different, fun, and challenging, I strongly encourage you to check out Sport Rock Climbing Center! It is a wonderful place with even more wonderful people, who are genuinely passionate about climbing and sharing that love with others. My home away from home. :-)
And you may ask, "how has your training been going?" Well, let me tell you! This past Thursday I decided I would bike from my new place to work. I wasn't working that day, but I want to start biking to work, and I need to plan ahead accordingly. Well, it took me 1h 20m to bike 16 miles....... Grrr! But, it only took me 40m to bike back. Darn hills! I sometimes wonder how I managed to rock that century bike ride back in October. Anyway, after biking I was feeling good, so I hit the pool. Just shy of 1.5 miles a muscle deep within my calf seized up. I mean "rip the muscle from the bone" seize. That was it for me for the day! I have been going slow, letting the cramp work itself out. I did bike yesterday and today with little pain. Tomorrow I test the waters (literally) and hit the pool. Fingers crossed!