Sunday, April 15, 2012

Training. What training?

Happy end of the weekend to all! I personally spent this entire gorgeous April day inside my other job, the climbing gym. I was a belay slave to rounds of children. Sticky fingered, smelly, noisy, energetic children. Not that I can complain. As much as I say I don't like kids, I do enjoy seeing them (or anyone for that matter) succeed at something they previously though difficult or impossible to do. It is amazing what a little encouragment and positive attitude can do for a child. Perhaps that is something severely lacking in this country. Anywho, if you live in the NOVA area, and are looking for something different, fun, and challenging, I strongly encourage you to check out Sport Rock Climbing Center! It is a wonderful place with even more wonderful people, who are genuinely passionate about climbing and sharing that love with others. My home away from home. :-)

And you may ask, "how has your training been going?" Well, let me tell you! This past Thursday I decided I would bike from my new place to work. I wasn't working that day, but I want to start biking to work, and I need to plan ahead accordingly. Well, it took me 1h 20m to bike 16 miles....... Grrr! But, it only took me 40m to bike back. Darn hills! I sometimes wonder how I managed to rock that century bike ride back in October. Anyway, after biking I was feeling good, so I hit the pool. Just shy of 1.5 miles a muscle deep within my calf seized up. I mean "rip the muscle from the bone" seize. That was it for me for the day! I have been going slow, letting the cramp work itself out. I did bike yesterday and today with little pain. Tomorrow I test the waters (literally) and hit the pool. Fingers crossed!

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Hello and welcome to Leah Otten Photography blog. Here you will find photo's, updates, stories, ect. Please be patient as we work to make Leah Otten Photography a truly wonderful and unique experience for you. In light of the season, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! We look forward to seeing you in 2012